January 9, 2012


Oh, how little ones can just make your heart swell! It was our first day of ballet school today, and I had to drag that little ginger out of the studio crying! She would have stayed all day if I had let her! Lucky for her, a friend of hers takes a tap class on the same afternoon, and next week is bring a friend to class day, so she will get to go to two classes!

I remember being that little girl. I remember being convinced that one day I would be a famous ballerina. Or maybe a country singing superstar! I even won a contest once, put on by McDonald's, for a speech I gave on what I wanted to be when I grew up. I think I was in the 3rd grade and I said that I wanted to be an actress, like Julia Roberts. I wanted nothing more in my younger days to see my name in big, bright lights.

I remember those dreams so clearly. I even remember the navy blue romper I wore to give that speech. I remember singing songs in the lines for rides at Disneyworld, hoping that some record exec might have his kids there and discover me. I remeber begging my mom to move to Nashville with me to help me pursue my career (hey, Britney's mom moved to Florida with her so she could get her start!).

One day, you wake up and look into the face that looks so much like yours did when you dreamt those dreams, and you realize that all of the things that you had wanted; all of the biggest and brightest lights in the world, could never compare to watching that face dream.

As I watched my tiny dancer spin and twirl this afternoon, all I could think about was that there was no other life I'd rather be living. No other place in the world that I'd rather be.


Sarah Erwin said...


Jodi Ghedotte said...

I love it! You are a very talented writer, Kelly. Keep it up and I'll keep reading!

Lisa said...

I couldn't have said it better. I am SO glad you are back to writing, I so enjoy reading!

Donna Schultz said...

And that's what I always felt when I looked at you.


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