January 6, 2012

Hiding Time

I don't have time to work out. I don't have time for friends. I don't have time to read my Bible and spend with God.

I don't have time...

One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves. For most things we say we want to be doing, we have the time, just not the commitment.

Every day this week I have set my alarm for one and a half hours before my daughter usually wakes up. My plan was to get up, drink a cup of coffee, read my Bible, spend some quiet time in prayer, and maybe even squeeze in a quick yoga session. An hour and a half alone would be more than enough time to get my day off to a good start. Heck! I might even get a shower in there!

Every day this week I hit the snooze button and fell back asleep until I heard my door creak and a tiny voice say "Mom! Good morning!"

I tend to be very undisciplined. I always have been. And I love to sleep. Actually, I more than love to sleep. Seriously, sleeping is one of my favorite things to do. Especially that feeling when you wake up, look at the clock, and then roll over and snuggle a little deeper down into your covers and fall back into dream land. I love that!

So instead, I stay in bed until little footprints force me up, only to encourage more laziness when I pull that little body up into bed and turn on the television for morning cartoons and snuggles. I treasure this part of the morning! It is such a special time for us as mother and daughter, but it really just delays our day which in the end makes me crazy!

By the time we are up, out of bed, breakfast fed, clothes on, and ready for school, it's usually well into the afternoon! Then I feel like my whole day has gone to waste and I spend the day wishing I had gotten up when the alarm went off the first time!

Maybe my goals were too lofty! Maybe I was reaching for the stars when I should just try to touch the ceiling!

On weekends, I will sleep in and snuggle over cartoons with my little sweetheart but come Monday, it's time for some change! I pledge now to wake up half an hour earlier than my little one does! 30 minutes! It might not give me a whole lot of time, but every week, I will increase it by 15 minutes until I am satisfied with the amount of time I have.

It's time to stop being lazy, and start making myself and things I need to be a healthier person a priority! If I can't find the time within my day to get alone with God, then I must make it. There is no such thing as can't, right? Just won't! And I won't let the temptation of a warm bed rob me of my relationship with God any longer!

Do you sleep in? Spend too much time on the internet? Watch a lot of TV? Go to bed early? A small adjustment might make way for you to get that extra "me" time that you need. If you don't ever take care of yourself, you can't expect to be in good condition to be taking care of others.

Where is time hiding in your day?

1 comment:

Polly said...

Ever since Bobby left I spend too much time in bed. I watch Live with Kelly every morning and somehow still delay my time getting out of bed..ugh.


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